Read Any Good Boots Lately? sale in uk
Barbara Stauffacher Solomon
Barbara Stauffacher Solomon is the author of Green Architecture and the Agrarian Garden (1998), Good Mourning California (1992), WHY? WHY NOT? (2013), Utopia Myopia (2013), Read Any Good Boots Lately? (2018) and Making the Invisble Visible (2018). A native of California, she is an artist, landscape architect, designer, and writer. Her work has been exhibited in New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., Paris, Zurich, Milan, and Venice and is in the permanent collection of SFMOMA.
Best known for her supergraphics, most noticeably at The Sea Ranch, CA, where she brought to the U.S. supergraphics and Helvetica typeface: an iconic a mix of her Swiss-trained graphic design layered with her California sensibility.
Barbara has taught at Harvard, Yale and the University of California at Berkeley. She is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome.
Publishers: Fun Fog Press
Material: Paperback
Size: 8 1/2 x 11 in